If acupuncture is the ancient art of pain relief, Cold Laser Therapy is the state-of-the-art in acute and chronic pain relief.
Cold Laser therapy is a non-invasive alternative to acupuncture. By working on the cellular level, Cold Laser therapy uses a small infrared light placed directly over the area to be treated. As the light penetrates to the affected area, it stimulates the cells and activates them into healing action!
Cold Laser Therapy for Relief
Beth is one of the few practitioners of Cold Laser Therapy in Louisville. She complements this state-of-the-art technology with tried-and-true relaxation methodologies. Ideally, patients leave a cold therapy session with diminished or non-existent pain and feeling better and more relaxed than they can remember.
Patients who suffer from back pain, arthritis, hip, or joint pain really feel the benefits of targeted Cold Laser Therapy. These types of ailments can leave a person feeling helpless and may prevent them from doing the things they love. Thanks to the breakthrough technology of Cold Laser Therapy, however, patients can experience the life-changing results of acupuncture without a single needle.
Cold Laser Therapy Compared to Acupuncture
Not all of my patients are comfortable with needles. Cold laser therapy can provide similar relief to acupuncture by utilizing the lasers on acupuncture points. The use of infrared and red light therapy can help with pain, inflammation, and circulation.
What to Expect with Cold Laser Therapy?
In cold laser therapy, Beth uses two lasers. One is a small hand-held unit designed to stimulate acupuncture points. If you are receiving cold laser therapy, rather than traditional acupuncture, this is the laser Beth will use.
The second laser is larger and much more powerful. Beth uses this to treat areas of pain and inflammation by moving the wand over the affected area.
The lasers Beth uses in Cold Laser Therapy are backed by significant amounts of research and are approved by the FDA.